Do you only manufacture fly fishing reels?
– That’s mostly what we do, but my father has always worked in the steel industry. The manufacture of fly reels was a side activity for the evenings and after school. Kurt designed many innovative and clever products for the steel industry; technical solutions that really made the difference.
– As for myself, I’ve tinkered a bit with a concept reel within the multiplier segment. I have a friend who fishes a lot using trolling techniques. Most reels in this segment are really just variations of a Swedish design produced in the 1950´s and they have quite a few flaws. I decided to design my own adaptation of the basic multiplier using my experience in industrial construction. From a pure design point of view, it is considerably stronger than those available on the market. Then there are some significant handling advantages and the number of parts involved is about 40% of those found in today’s multipliers. The product with fewer components is usually much more reliable. There is some fine-tuning remaining before it is finished, but I’ll settle for it as it is now.
– The idea is not to take it to market; that market is too big for us as a company. Perhaps we will cooperate with one of the industry leaders at some point in order to make the technology available. For now, we include it here as a concept piece.